The Tennessee Gas Association established in 1962 is an association created around the natural gas distribution systems across the State. The Association’s core values are represented in the word PACE:
Promote, Advocate, Collaborate & Educate. TGA offers members opportunities to enhance their professional careers, company operations and industry contacts thru various conferences and training
sessions throughout the year. Being comprised of a Board of Directors from across the State and employing our own lobbyist gives TGA a collaborative voice in legislative arenas as we advocate for the
future of natural gas in Tennessee. TGA’s 90+ members in the Corporate Membership class represents over 5,700 employees and over 1.3 million meters serving TN natural gas consumers.
- Network with 90+ natural gas distribution companies across the State of Tennessee
- Exposure to 100+ Business Partners with goods and services for your business
- TGA’s own Lobbyist advocating for & against bills that matter to our members
- An active PAC fund
- 7 main Conferences throughout the year
Legislative Event
Distribution & Operations Conference
Customer Service Regional Workshops
Annual Meeting
Safety Summit
Business, Accounting & Professional Development Conference
Fall Management Conference
- Tennessee Public Utility Commission(TPUC) approved Public Awareness TV and radio advertising program reaching key audiences
- Annual Member Directory in print and online version
- Multiple Newsletters yearly with valuable information directly impacting your association and industry in print and online version
- Vol Network radio advertising program
- Up-to-date Website offering Member’s Only section containing conference presentations, Public Awareness documentation, online member directory, member shared marketing materials and other Association information